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Our impact and sustainability

We are a purpose-led business that exists to deliver smart, sustainable solutions that improve our customers’ mobility in a fast-changing world. In short, we’re moving together to keep our customers moving.   

As one of the UK’s largest fleet operators, we recognise our responsibility to our planet, our customers, our people as well as the importance of upholding our principles. Our beliefs and values underpin the delivery of our strategic pillars and our integrated sustainability strategy. 

Three young people sit in and around the back of a car, smiling and talking

Driving change

We recognise the role our business must play in working collaboratively with our partners and the industry to re-address our climate impact, balancing equitable outcomes and ensuring the Scheme and the planet can be sustained for the future. 

Icons titled 'Environmental', 'Social' and 'Governance', with explanations underneath

Three icons with explanations next to them about Motability Operations' responsibilities for our planet, people and principles.

  1. A globe icon with a heart in front of it. The explanation is: 'Environmental, our planet: living within our boundaries'

  2. Three people next to each other, with ‘MO’ on the middle person. The explanation is: 'Social, our people: committing to equitable outcomes'

  3. A cog icon and a lightbulb. The explanation is: 'Governance, our principles: demanding responsible conduct'

A group of bees crawl out of a slot on the outside of a beehive

Journey to B Corp

One key collaboration for positive future outcomes is our goal to achieve B Corp certification. Certification requires businesses to show they have an absolute commitment to meeting the very highest of standards. To us, B Corp reinforces our values are more than just words and that our systems and processes are aligned with some of the best companies in the world.  

The B Corp impact assessment framework sets an ambitious and challenging benchmark for us and will hold us accountable for our actions, verify our achievements, signpost our direction of travel and encourage us to focus on our purpose as a business for good. We’re excited to work with the wider B Corp community, sharing and learning from best practice and taking on their ethos of being a ‘force for good’.

Our Strategy

To help inform the key areas for our strategic focus, we conducted a materiality assessment in 2023. We engaged with all our key stakeholders to help us determine our areas of focus and aspirational goals. 

A large diagram showing how Motability Operations tackle ESG and sustainability

The diagram shows three different goals that form the basis of Motability Operations' ESG and sustainability strategy. The diagram has boxes for each goal and strategy:

  1. Our beliefs: What matters to us as an organisation

    1. We believe no one should be left behind

    2. We believe we must take the lead

    3. We believe everything starts with the customer

  2. Our values: How we bring our purpose to life every day

    1. We find solutions

    2. We drive change

    3. We care

  3. Our strategy: How we align our business objectives, strategic initiatives and performance

    1. Keep delivering brilliantly for our customers

    2. Lean into green

    3. Find new and exciting products for our customers

There’s an arrow to the ESG and sustainability strategy, to the right:

  1. Our environment, social and governance (ESG) approach and sustainability strategy is supported by our beliefs, values and overall business strategy.

    1. Climate crisis. Take the action required to cut global emissions and reduce global warming

    2. Social inequity. Rebalance outcomes for our customers, our employees and the community in which we operate

    3. Responsible business. Find new and exciting products for our customers

Circular economy

We’re also introducing a circular economy approach to assess our business processes and practices.

This will ensure we challenge ourselves to improve wherever possible and work with our partners to collectively drive change for the better. Our circular economy model is based on the four 'R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink.

We're continually looking for new and improved ways to support our customers, the communities in which we operate and the partners we work with. Our sustainability strategy is focused on having a positive impact on both a local level as well as a national and global level.

A flow diagram showing Motability Operations' four Rs of circularity

The diagram shows a circular flow with arrows and boxes for Motability Operations' four 'R’s of circularity:

  1. Reduce

  2. Reuse

  3. Recycle

  4. Rethink

To the right of the circular flow has two arrows to 'Local' and 'Global'.

Our progress

Our short-term (2032) Science-Based targets and our long-term (2050) net zero targets have been sent for verification by the SBTi. These targets are pivotal to providing the required trajectory for the business.

We’re calculating the metrics and KPIs required to track and monitor our process and are introducing centralised processes that monitor performance against a defined risk appetite and identify areas for further improvement. To hold us accountable at the very top level, two of the five performance targets set for executive remuneration relate to ESG: electric vehicles (EVs) and employee engagement.


Two women roast marshmallows over a fire at night

Most of our carbon footprint is made up by our fleet vehicles, falling under the Scope 3 category of emissions. In line with our business strategy, we're supporting customers to transition to an EV. We'll continue to significantly invest in EVs to ensure affordability and availability. Since the first EV was offered on the Scheme in 2013, we've greatly increased the number available and continue to work with manufacturers to secure a wide range of makes and models. We’re also supporting our customers with the installation of a home chargepoint, and giving all customers a New Vehicle Payment of £750 at renewal to support affordability.

Good governance

The oversight and governance for our sustainability strategy is delivered by our Impact and Sustainability Committee (ISC), which regularly reports to the Executive. The ISC is comprised of senior representatives from across Motability Operations and is overseen by the Chief Financial Officer, who has the executive responsibility for ESG and sustainability.   

We've also established the Impact and Sustainability Champions group, made up of employee volunteers who are responsible for the generation and implementation of sustainability activity and engagement across the organisation.

  1. Executive Committee
    ESG and sustainability accountability
  2. Impact & Sustainability Committee
    Oversight for ESG and sustainability strategy and performance
  3. Impact & Sustainability Champions
    Responsible for business engagements, ideas and implementation
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